I stumbled onto an article on the Huffington Post earlier today about a photography exhibit called "Imaginary Couples," wherein straight people pose with other same-sex people as couples. The point is supposed to be that love is universal and that gay love is not inferior to straight love. While I think the idea behind this series is great, it feels kind of weird, as if it is saying that homosexuality is somehow validated by the fact that even straight people can demonstrate loving queerness. Or something. I know that this isn't what the exhibit is trying to say--not at all. But something about it still feels "off" to me. Like... we can represent ourselves, thanks. I mean, what about an exhibit that showed able-bodied people in wheelchairs? Wouldn't that be kind of offensive? To me, this would have been more conceptually interesting if it had also included gay people pretending to be straight, or simply people who weren't in relationships pretending to be in relationships. Or all of the above, plus some gay and straight couples who actually were in relationships. That might have said something kind of interesting about how we think about love and coupling and relationships. But instead, I'm just left kind of scratching my head. What do you all think about this?