Hello! My name is Jenna, and I have a question about where I might stand on the gay spectrum, but I don't know any other lesbians and I figured that you would be the person to ask.
So, at first I thought I was a butch. I have very short hair & only wear men's clothes, I'm always the one killing the bug while the rest of the girls scream in a corner, I practice chivalry, I've always been one of the guys, and I took an online test that said I was. However, then I looked up butch women on google and I don't look like any of them! Examples: 1. I remember I met two on separate occasions when I was younger, but both times they were bigger, taller, way more masculine, and looked at me with this hulk smash- 'if you come near me or any of the women near me, I will pee on all of them and stab you in the neck.' So, I figure I'm either a threat, meaning that I DO count as butch, or I'm not one of them and must die. 2. I'm very toned, I have visible abs and toned arms, BUT I'm in no way tall or bulky and you will never ever catch me in public with a wife beater. I usually wear a slim fit xs dress shirt, a narrow tie, and (as nerdy as it may be) a sweater vest. I like feminine women, but I feel I'm not really "butchy" enough for them, but I'm also not very feminine and never have been. But I also know I'm not androgynous. The only feedback I've ever gotten on it was this bisexual girl I knew who always compared me to Shane on The L Word. I do not look or act at all like Shane. Also, I'm pretty young; I just turned 18 if that helps at all. I don't really know what I expect you to say, but if you have any knowledge please let me know! Thanks, BW!
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