My last post got a ton of traffic; it seems like I'm not the only one out there with gynecologist stories (nor, for that matter, chin hairs).
I really did intend it as a public service announcement, *not* a scare story. I hope you'll consider it even if you have a deep aversion to such things. Here are some tips to make your gyno-health-ventures more tolerable: Before making the appointment:
While making the appointment:
A week before the appointment:
The day of the appointment:
At the appointment:
Any other tips I'm missing? Please add them in the comments!
2/27/2013 02:49:57 am
This is very useful information for something that all women, no matter their race, class, or sexucal orientation, needs to know. I would add that when you find a great gynecologist, you should hold on for dear life! :-)
2/27/2013 12:08:11 pm
And tell your friends! Great doctors deserve recognition, and your friends deserve to see a doc who really knows what it's about.
2/28/2013 06:20:11 am
AUGH! Raising hand as the worst gyno-health-venture goer ever! Three times in the last 19 years. Yes I am going this year because I have the Best Dr in Alberta now!
2/28/2013 06:54:20 am
Just sayin' as a Health teacher this is one of those "must do" events in your life once you are sexually active. That is for younger women who have begun their sex life and also true for older women, whether you engage in penetration or not!
3/1/2013 07:58:04 am
This is, in its own way, as courageous a bit of writing as your previous post on the topic. And, I say that with genuine respect; it occurred to me to respond with a linked post on my own blog, to share one femme's most recent experience. I got as far as opening the page to type ... and realized I'm just not quite willing to put that out there after all. So the least I can do is drop by here and give you some major kudos for having what it takes to speak out on such a topic. Let me add a gold star stamp to your butch card, or something like that. ;)
3/10/2013 06:35:08 am
Thanks so much for this post. Important topic! I feel compelled to put in my two cents here. I am a midwife and nurse practitioner, and I have to say that you're not alone in your hatred for getting your annual exam and pap smear! I've never had a woman say to me, "Gosh, I just love coming here! I always look forward to my pap smear every year!" So, just know that it's no one's favorite activity, and it's one of those uncomfortable but necessary parts of being a woman.
5/5/2016 01:00:13 pm
I'm recently pregnant and am trying to find an obstetrician to help me out. It's comforting to know that I can request things of the doctor to make me feel more comfortable. I'll have to take your advise and do a morning appointment. Thanks for helping me out!
4/5/2019 07:31:42 pm
Thanks for pointing out that when you have a gynecologist appointment it can be a good idea to arrange to bring a friend if it will make you more comfortable. I think that this would especially good if it was your first time visiting the gynecologist since it can make people kind of nervous. I also think that it would be smart to bring a friend that has gone before so that they can help prep you for what's going to happen and just so you can have someone to talk to while you're waiting.
4/23/2019 12:03:18 pm
Thanks for saying that we shouldn't be afraid to ask for either a man or woman, since it's a common request. I need to find a new gynecologist because my husband and I moved to a new state recently. I'm glad I read your article because now I feel more comfortable about making an appointment.
7/2/2019 04:03:03 am
Thanks for the tip that I should do my homework if I'm going to go to an OB/GYN. I think I'll make sure to make an appointment the OB/GYN as ahead of time as well. Maybe a morning appointment would be good so that I can rest all day after the appointment.
7/31/2019 10:21:51 am
Thank you for your tip to ask to use the smallest speculum first. I have been thinking about visiting my gynaecologist soon and I am quite nervous about it since it has been a while. I will make sure to keep your tip in mind as I go to my gynaecologist.
10/28/2019 08:43:30 am
My wife is going to a new gynaecologist and she's nervous so I'm trying to help her. I liked the tip about doing your homework before you go. I'll make sure to go to the website of the one she chose so I can know everything that I should.
11/16/2020 08:25:37 pm
This is some really good information about how you will want to consider wearing easy to put on and take off shoes for an OBGYN exam. Thanks for explaining that because my sister just found out she is pregnant with her first child. Her feet are already starting to well a bit so this is good to be aware of.
9/8/2022 05:18:52 pm
I like what you said about washing your feet before seeing the doctor. That seems like sound advice when getting in the stirrups. My wife needs to get a pap smear so thanks for the tip.
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