![]() via www.godammit.com/category/houseboys/ Holy matrimony, Batman! Lately I've gotten lots of questions from brides in heterosexual weddings asking what to do with a butch lesbian bridesmaid, since many of us would rather pierce our own eyeballs with blunt toothpicks than wear a fetching dress of sea foam green chiffon. Here are some FAQs for traditional or semi-traditional brides-to-be: Q: Should I make my butch lesbian friend wear a dress if she's my bridesmaid? A: No, no, no. Give her that option if you want, but don't expect her to take it. You asked a butch dyke to be your bridesmaid, and you should respect who she is. If you had a male best friend and wanted him to be a bridesmaid, would you make him wear a dress? Of course not. Years later, I remain grateful to my friends E&R for inviting me to wear a suit and tie as a bridesmaid at their wedding. Q: Should I wait till she asks me what she should wear, or until she asks if she has to wear a dress? A: No. I can guarantee you that if you've already asked her to stand by your side, but haven't told her what to wear, the poor dyke is sweating bullets in fear that she will be forced to choose between: (1) wearing a dress and feeling horribly uncomfortable; (2) pissing you off. Let her off the hook ASAP (and ideally as soon as you ask her to be a bridesmaid) by telling her that you won't make her wear anything that will make her uncomfortable. Q: But my Aunt Mildred is a devout Christian and will freak out about a woman in guys' clothes! A: Having your butch friend wear a tie doesn't mean you're disrespecting A.M.'s religion. Explain to your aunt that you allowed your friends to wear what they're most comfortable in, and that this will help everyone enjoy your wedding. If necessary, remind her that Jesus loves everyone, no matter what they wear. Or: don't tell her in advance at all. People are usually on their best behavior at weddings, even if they're surprised by something. Q: But if my friend doesn't wear a dress, the wedding parties won't be perfectly symmetrical! A: Oh no! They won't be symmetrical? Holy crap--why not call the whole wedding off? Come on: When you look back at your wedding photos in 10 or 20 years, you'll think fondly of how much fun everyone had, not admire how well everyone matched. When I married my DXH, I had one of my best friends be the "usher" instead of a bridesmaid simply because he's a guy and I thought I was supposed to have the "sides" look the same. What a stupid choice! What matters is that your closest friends are by your side on your big day. Oh: and that the wedding cake doesn't suck. And that the photographer isn't wasted. And that the music is good. (See how many more interesting things there are to worry about?) Q: Okay, so what should I have my butch bridesmaid wear? A: [Rubbing hands together] Here's the fun part! You've got a ton of options. I'll throw out a few, but be aware that the possibilities are practically endless:
Q: How do I treat my butch bridesmaid's girlfriend? Does she sit with the wedding party? A: Do whatever you're doing with your other bridesmaids' significant others. Which I hope is seating them with the wedding party, but if there's not room, people will understand--you just need to treat everyone the same. Q: If I'm giving all my bridesmaids the traditional gift you give people in your wedding party... what do I give the butch one? A: If it's a "girly" gift that she'll hate, get her something else. (What is your hubby-to-be getting his groomsmen? That's one option.) Other ideas: a pocket knife (I'd suggest either a cool folding knife like this one or a multitool type like this one) , a Bespoke box of awesome, or a set of cuff links (I love these, these, these, these, and these). Q: What about the bachelorette party and stuff? Will she feel totally comfortable there? A: This is a hard one, because she might not, especially if she doesn't know all the other bridesmaids. But you should still invite her. If you want to do girly things, emphasize that you'd love to have her there and give her options that might make her comfortable. For example, if you're all going for manicures, tell her she's welcome to get a men's pedicure or a foot massage instead. Or, say she can come be the official photographer whenever she doesn't feel like participating (butches love having duties). If she expresses discomfort about parts of it, tell her to come to whatever parts she wants to. And no, you aren't obligated to invite her girlfriend to the bachelorette party. See? With a few small tweaks, you too can have an awesome butch bridesmaid who's stoked about her duties. How about you butches out there who have been bridesmaids at het weddings? Any tips? Happy anecdotes? Horror stories?
I actually think this is good advice for anyone you ask to be in your wedding party -- straight, lesbian, tall, short, voluptuous, flat & skinny, whatever. I say just ask all the attendants to match a color scheme -- so people who want to wear dresses, wear the same color dresses (but in a style and cut that is comfortable for them); and people who want to wear a suit can wear the same color tie or vest or whatever.
D Tanner
7/14/2012 05:24:06 am
My partner who is very butch and a little older than myself was ask to be part of a wedding....I went in a dress and sat in the crowd....I was very uncomfortable .....I dont wear them either.....so when we went to leave everyone kept asking if my partner was my mother.....I told my partner....forget and never do that again.....she can dress as herself or not go.....and the same for myself.....
This is only slightly related, but I'm a gay femme lady who was just recently a groomslady in a straight couple's wedding. The groomsmen wore navy suits and I wore the same dress that the bridesmaids wore, but in navy to match the guys (the bridesmaids wore plum). When the groom initially asked me to stand on his side, I was slightly nervous that he would request I wore a suit to match the guys. He laughed when I expressed that concern and said that no, of course he would not request that of me. WHEW. Even his Bridezilla wife agreed that that would be a ridiculous request. Sometimes people surprise you in the best of ways.
8/24/2015 02:37:45 am
I see that you were a groomslady, but what do you call the butch girl who's sister is getting married and she's asked to be a bridesmaid? We are totally comfortable with her wearing pants so that she is comfortable, but what should her title be?
9/29/2017 11:26:35 am
We call our's "Pridesmaids"!
7/14/2012 06:29:49 am
I was uninvited from being a bridesmaid at a friend's wedding when I came out. They used the "it would make our parents uncomfortable" line. In the end I wasn't even invited to the reception, which at least took care of the worry over what I should wear.
7/14/2012 06:33:41 am
Hey BW! :)
7/14/2012 07:01:20 am
Yeah, the reason I did that was for search engines. I did a little research and found that people googling this situation tend to Google "lesbian bridesmaid" (after all, many straight folks don't even know the term "butch"). But I was afraid that someone would point out this problem with the title, which you totally did--and I think you're right to do it. But I'm going to leave it just because I think it will help straight het brides find this post. I hope my regular readers can overlook this! Sorry, all! BW
10/15/2012 02:45:09 pm
Hi BW! I'm glad you kept the title because that's how I found this post. I'm super stressed! My fiancé's sister is a butch and REFUSES to wear a dress bc she says once she chose to cut her hair off that was that, I, however am really upset. I don't have sisters and she's his only one and she lives with me! But refuses to wear a dress for a few hours in church and pictures and then I told her idc if she puts on ball shorts! Is it really that big of a deal that I ask her to wear a dress? I've been in a few weddings where I didn't particularly love what I had to wear but it wasn't my say, it was the brides... Please help!!
11/27/2012 06:02:29 am
Allison, I am not a butch, but will speak on behalf of my butch partner. I'm sure she would forgive me. 1/13/2013 10:36:01 am
Allison: I somehow *just* saw this comment. Sorry! Email me directly at [email protected] if it would still be useful for you to receive an answer from me. FWIW, I think Laura's response to your question is very insightful. BW
7/14/2012 06:47:47 am
Yes, I was a bridesmaid at my brother's wedding and I hated it. All the bridesmaids were to wear matching balloon type pant suits with stretchy form fitting short sleeved tops that were sewn to the pants. Besides it being awful I was chastised and reprimanded for not looking like the other girls. Worse than that because I wasn't the same exact size my brother's wife constantly degraded me saying horrible things about how is everyone suppose to look now that I'm in the wedding? And, why can't I just look like the other girls? And my favorite, "you wouldn't ever be in my wedding if it weren't for your brother making me". I had to lose weight and get my hair done by a hair dresser at my cost even though she paid for hair and makeup for the other girls. Then when it came time for me to get the matching high heels, because they gave me blisters I was told I'm too much trouble to be a part of this whole thing. I just sucked it up, and did what I was told to do. Then during the reception I took off my heels and wore flat sandals ruining her perfect pictures where everyone was supposed to be matching. After that, I decided no more weddings. Ever. If anyone asks me, either they give me the option to be comfortable, or I'll decline. I won't be humiliated again.
7/14/2012 07:04:24 am
Ack! What a nightmare, Shae!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Your sis-in-law sounds like a real bridezilla. Your brother shoulda saved you from that situation one way or another. NO one should have to be humiliated--for size, butchness, femmeness, or anything else. I hope your sis-in-law evolves as a human being in the years to come...
7/18/2012 02:19:57 am
Humiliated is the right word for it. I felt the same. I will never, never do that again. I don't care who they are.
7/14/2012 07:12:12 am
I just wanted to say that you have fantastic taste in cuff links! ;)
7/14/2012 08:10:08 am
I wish this information had been available when my female best friend got married a year or so ago(she is bisexual but the groom was a cis male, so it was a het wedding). Even being part of the glbtq community she still could not understand why I was opposed to wearing a dress(i was the proposed maid of honor/bridesmaid, whichever I wanted to be)in the wedding party. Although i'm not completely butch, I am on the left side of andro, have long hair, and soft facial features but I ABHOR wearing dresses or gowns, anything else too "girly". I prefer to wear pants, shirts, sportswear, jeans, tee shirts, and although i'm not much of a suit wearer(except for special occasions), mostly men's athletic or sportswear is what i wear on a day to day basis, occasionally i will wear women's pants &shirts as long as they are not too frilly or girly. I will deal with a woman's basic no-frills suit over wearing a dress any day, if I have to choose and make a compromise.
7/14/2012 11:07:20 am
Thanks for sharing your story. I think I'm assumed-to-be femme just 'cuz I'm "pretty," which of course has nothing to do with anything! And, like you, female clothes (dresses and skirts) make me incredibly uncomfortable.
7/14/2012 09:18:06 am
I attended a bridal shower and met one of the women that was to be in the bridal party. A gorgeous, big woman..cop..very butch. I wondered what she would be wearing at the wedding. Well... the bride put her in a pink strapless gown. She was very busty and broad shouldered. All night long..I watched her..feeling sorry that she was in this dress and just looked so awkward and out of place. SHE on the other hand...sucked it up...drank beer out of the bottle...danced up a storm..and didnt let it faze her..at least outwardly. I really gave her credit for doing that..she had a great time regardless. And I had to admire that. She and the bride had been best friends since childhood. And although she looked totally ridiculous in that dress...she didnt let it ruin her evening.
7/15/2012 03:43:15 am
My cousin's maid of honor is butch. So all of the bridesmaids wore suits that were black and pink. The groomsmen wore the same thing. Nobody seemed to have a problem with it and everything looked good. The wedding and reception was also outside so the wedding party wasn't freezing either.
7/15/2012 05:52:11 am
I'm to be the butch Best Maid in a het wedding next month. The brides actually has a sweet nelly Man of Honor. I've got my fingers crossed that he looks fabulous, prancing down the aisle on my arm :)
7/16/2012 10:10:40 am
I was my sister's maid of honor. I wore a tux. I don't know if that would have been possible if my mother was alive - but she's not. My dad didn't say a word, and neither did any one else.
7/18/2012 02:16:26 am
I remarked on this on Facebook and said I hated wearing a dress at my sister's wedding. She saw this in her "ticker" (or whatever that thing on the right side is that shows everyone's activity) and is furious with me. This is still difficult for some people to understand. She's in her thirties. Not an old fogey, and this wedding was 7 years ago. We're not speaking now. Amazing how sensitive an issue this is.
7/22/2012 02:53:27 am
Rather than asking our guests of honor (what we called the people equivalent to a bridal party, since we didn't divide them up by sides or have half men and half women) to wear a specific outfit, we told them the color palette for our wedding and asked them to generally choose something within it. We ended up with suits, vests, dresses, skirts, and shawls that matched our color scheme, so the pictures were eclectic and lovely, just like us.
8/3/2012 11:30:36 pm
I think this is excellent advice. I'm a stud/butch bride-to-be and I'm treating my attendants (mixed butches and guys) much how you're advising here. I hope if I'm ever asked to be an attendant that the bride also follows this advice.
8/6/2012 06:05:49 pm
About finding a butch swim top, it's very easy (well, kind of easy) to find a sports-bra style swim top, esp. online, by companies like Speedo. A genuine swim top like that would not stretch out in the water like a sports bra would. Personally, I like to wear one of those sports swim tops plus a rash guard shirt.
10/6/2012 02:26:44 am
Not going to lie, this post just changed my outlook on what I'm going to do with my lesbian best friend at my wedding.
10/12/2012 12:53:26 pm
Maya: you rock! It's so awesome that you're sensitive enough not only to realize that your friend might not be comfortable in something traditional, but to research other options. I hope you have a beautiful wedding, and I hope your friend is stoked about your suggestion!
Bride to Be
11/23/2012 10:08:13 am
My butch bestfriend will most certainly be wearing a suit at my upcoming wedding (I need her at her most comfortable in order to drink with me!) but my question is about flowers. Bouquet or button hole. I would love your suggestions.
12/2/2012 11:33:33 am
Hi! That's awesome. Okay, so assuming that the other folks on your side are carrying bouquets, I say have her carry a bouquet as well, if you want to. On the other hand, if you think button hole will look better since she has a suit on, that seems like a perfectly defensible position as well. You're blazing new territory here, so there's no real "right" or "wrong." :)
12/22/2012 01:40:14 pm
Just wanted to say thank you for this post. Although I'm not butch, and am rather more androgynous, I appreciate this post. I am going to be in a wedding in a few months and my friend and I are trying to figure out what I am going to wear! She doesn't care if I wear pants (she expects that), but we both want it too look classy, and these are some good suggestions. If I wear a dress, I'm going to look weird, AND be uncomfortable. I will probably look better in pants anyway, and I will be way less anxious!
1/29/2013 01:36:48 am
My sister found this site, as she is standing up for me at my wedding. I gave her the option of wearing dress, wearing what the groomsmen are wearing, or wear the same colour pants and a shirt as the men, with a scarf matching the colour of the bridesmaids. My finance and I only care that she is comfortable, and that she is standing beside me.
6/27/2013 07:53:47 am
Help! I'm a lesbian member of a bridal party for one of my oldest friends. I am fine with wearing a dress, but one of the other bridesmaids is also a lesbian, and is adamantly against wearing the dress. The bride called me this afternoon asking how to handle the situation- Bride wants us all in dresses, and feels that a dapper dressed lesbian in a fantastic 3 piece suit will "distract" from her on her special day, and will make the photos look off aesthetically. I feel caught in the middle, but tried to kindly say "if you want her to be in the wedding, let her wear something she feels like herself in, because afterall, the reason you picked people to be in the wedding is because they are important to you, right? not because you want to dress us up like dolls?" But now I feel like I have alienated her by not saying the right thing....
April Moskowitz
6/15/2014 01:44:37 pm
6/25/2014 01:21:24 am
Not well- ultimately, the dapper lesbian wasn't in the wedding and neither was I. In hindsight, I think I should have just left it between the bride and the girl who wanted to wear a suit, because when I got involved it seriously put me off the bride, because I felt she was being small minded and petty because her reason for wanting the bridal party in dresses was primarily to appease the ultra orthodox Christians in attendance, who frowned upon homosexuality in general. Hopefully the wedding you and your sister are going to is a little less extreme and a LOT more open minded!
9/15/2013 03:25:48 am
So glad I stumbled across this. Although I haven't asked anyone to be my "bridesmaids" (hate that word urgh) yet, one of the girls is a lesbian and does not wear dresses. I would never expect her to if she didn't want and will probably give her the option of shopping with the boys or choosing her own suit.
1/20/2014 01:16:19 am
im in my best friends wedding...shes a lesbian marrying a woman and all of the other members of the bridal party including the brides are wearing dresses. I'd really prefer not to wear a dress and the brides have ok'd me to wear what I'd like. any suggestions for an outfit so i blend in with the other bridal party members? its a semi-formal august wedding.
6/11/2014 11:36:43 am
This is more like how to not discriminate against a butch bridesperson. I would love more info on how to advocate for her and make her feel comfortable, and how and how much to warn the "Mildreds" so that my friend doesnt get uncomfortable questions
10/14/2014 11:45:34 pm
Hello! My beautiful future wife and I are at the point where we are starting to plan the attire for our bridal parties. A couple of the females will be wearing masculine attire and we want the masculine attire (pants, shirt, suspenders, bowties) to match between the guys and ladies.
10/15/2014 10:08:04 pm
I'm a bridesmaid at my best friends weding and she was so generis toe tailer my sut but she maide it...Girly and I'm not shore hou cumfy I'm going to be. I'm a famer and she is a citty girl... What do I do the weding is in a week
Alexis Henry
1/7/2015 11:37:04 pm
Thank you for this blog post!. I just recently got engaged. My best friend is gay. I could never see her in a dress of course, she will be in a suit. And for the most part my wedding will be very traditional. Could care less what other family members feel about her wearing a suit in my wedding party, because key word.."my wedding" lol.
1/8/2015 01:24:12 am
I am getting married in the summer and have one butch bridesmaid that I adore. My other bridesmaids are wearing mismatched lace dresses but it occurred to me that she may be very uncomfortable in a dress. I've never ever seen her in a dress! I told her in a message she is more than willing to wear pants and a button up in my wedding because I want her to be completely comfortable but I have not heard back from her. Did I offend her by alienating her
1/14/2015 04:32:26 am
Hi Leigh. My guess is that you totally did *not* offend her by making her feel alienated. But for something like this, I would actually recommend talking in person or on the phone, since it's hard to know how someone takes or interprets something we say over text, and this is a kind of sensitive topic. Have you followed up with her? I'd love to hear how it's going. --BW
2/9/2015 03:11:05 pm
My best friend of 18 years is getting married in a het wedding. She had always been proud to have a diverse array of friends including glbtq folks. Last year, at the suggestion of one of her glbtq identified friends, she asked if I was queer. I said I am, and she was shocked (somehow). Now that she's getting married and I'm her maid of honor, dress has come up. At first, she said I could wear pants and I planned to wear something similar to the groomsmen. After all, she has 2 men in her party and they are as well. Now, she says she is concerned that me dressing androgynously in front of her family and friends who have known me for 18 years would stir up gossip on her wedding day and that I should come out to all of them before the wedding or just wear a dress. I just agreed and moved on because her wedding day should be all about her and not about me. But I can't help but feel hurt. I know she intends to be supportive but she is asking me to put the act back on and I have worked really hard to slowly be more myself over the past few years.
1/6/2016 10:16:30 pm
Hello, I will get marry in a year and my best friend is lesbian. I would like her to be my maid of honor, but I'm not really sure how to deal with this situation. The news about her being lesbian are new, we just heard about it a few months ago, and now I feel that it is a little bit difficult how to make q solution to this. I don't know what to do, but I'm not really sure if I want her wearing a men suit like the groomsmen or groom because she will supposed to be the maid of honor. What can I do? Please help me. Thank you
10/10/2016 02:30:07 am
Did you even read the post at all? The answer is simple: if she doesn't feel comfortable wearing get a dress, DON'T make her wear one. "I'm not really sure if I want her wearing a men suit like the groomsmen or groom because she will supposed to be the maid of honor"... Nothing in the term 'maid of honor' means 'not wearing a suit' or 'wearing a dress.'
1/30/2016 07:11:07 pm
I'm glad that I found this site but wish I had found it sooner. I was asked to be in the bridal party for a long time friend. I discussed with her the possibilities of wearing something I would feel more comfortable in. She basically said, that it wasn't going to happen. She then said I could just sit with the guests and she would be okay with this. Well, another bridesmaid dropped out, and she begged me to join. I panicked and said yes. The colors are orange and pink. I figured I should mention that little detail. The wedding is in a few weeks, and I have to say I'm absolutely dreading it. I really regret saying yes. I felt very pressured at the moment. I just don't know how I should go about this topic. I'm pretty offended that she couldn't consider an alternative outfit option. I feel like her family knows me already. I don't know what to do.
1/31/2016 11:16:07 am
Oh, gads. SO nice of you to step in. My suggestion is to ask her specifically if you can wear pants the same color as the groomsmen's, + a nice suit vest, + a shirt the same color as the bridesmaids' dresses (and the suit vest can be optional). see what she says. Right before her wedding, she's got a ton on her mind, so it makes sense to come to her already having thought of another option that would work for you. Approach it with love, and please let me know what she says.
1/31/2016 01:27:25 pm
Okay, I will try that. We had talked about it before and she seemed to say, " it's not going to happen." I will still approach her. We have known each other for 16 years. I just feel a lot of pressure. I know it's her big day and I love her. On the other hand, this is the same me she has known those 16 years.
2/1/2016 11:51:13 am
Well, it almost cost our friendship. She wasn't happy about my asking to change outfits. She couldn't see me having a different attire than the other bridesmaids. I won't be in the wedding, but I will sit with her family. Her sister is taking my dress. This is 100% why I do not like weddings. It is a lot of un necessary stress. Not just on the wedding party but all guests. My friend is a lesbian, she will be dressed in pants, shirt and maybe a vest matching the colour scheme of the bridesmaids, who do I pair her with? A guy or girl? Nobody else is gay in the party. If she's stays on the bride side then I have to have a guy partner, right? If on the groomsmen side, then she's paired with a girl? Hope the other girl accepts this....
5/13/2017 06:52:33 pm
Hey, thanks for this post. I'm a lesbian but I went through a "am I *really* a lesbian?" questioning phase after my first few relationships broke up, and thus there are still some people from the past I'm not out to yet. One of them asked me to be in her wedding as a bridesmaid. So, it's super awkward...because I'm not out to her, and all the other people are straight, and I'm not out to them either. They just think I've always been single & have never known love. It really hurts my feelings not speaking out, but Idk what to do. The day is about her, not me, and I don't want to "ruin" it by being dramatic or "too deep" when they just want to have "fun." I hate being untrue to myself, but I'm just not sure now's the time... any advice? Also it's one of those uber-traditional weddings and the other girls are acting like they're still in the 1940s & such b.s. ... I don't mind wearing a dress - I'm girly - but I hate having to spend so much money and be forced to buy and wear a dress like everyone else & have my hair done like everyone else- so oppressive. I need to find a creative way to exert my independence in a sartorial way within this regulated system...I'm sure I'll figure out something!
2/6/2018 05:53:19 pm
Help! My het brother is getting married outdoors in April and I have to figure out something to wear so that I don't destroy the pics. I pretty much an accidental andro dresser (comfy casual all the time), with shoulder length hair. I haven't considered donning a dress in more than a decade, other than to make a mockery for a masquerade ball. My partner is soft-butch, but def dresses left of center. Colors are gray and pink. Since we're miserable dressers, I need some specifics to keep us from looking like we should have stayed home! I've joked about showing up in my flops, but the last thing I want to do is embarrass my brother and his FW.
Lesbian BrideMaid
12/3/2018 07:40:21 am
My brother is getting married. I was asked by his 'wife to be' to be one of her brides maids. I asked right away do I have to wear a dress she hesitated and then said well no but everyone else is. I reluctantly agreed. Months later I am assigned my colour "pink" .. Pink above knee chiffron… I gave it some thought and yes it would feel like Halloween to put on that dress for the day. It would also be night marish to go bra shopping for the dress, to go to a seamstress and ensure the dress fits appropriately, to pick out matching shoes for the dress, to go to a wedding shower and have to wear some 'other type of dress' to go to a bachelorette and sit in a corner all night.. but lets talk about other things.. other then the dress that would also be nightmarish.. 1) going to catholic church 2) Walking down the ailse with a guy on my arm 3) Wearing that dress that conforms with societys norms or some other clothing that doesn't match anyone (regardless of what I wear I'm going to feel like I'm sticking out like a sore thumb amongst my hetero wedding party peers) 4) Wedding dances... back to dancing with men again.. Heres what I'm thinking the easiest solution is... thanks for inviting me...but you can take your hetero wedding rituals and shove them up your ass. It's your day.. Please keep your gender separated wedding party, please keep your matching dress code, keep your church, keep your rituals... just keep me out of it :) Ill buy pop corn and watch from the crowd! :)
1/7/2019 05:15:34 pm
Hello BW and the rest reading this. I hope you can advise me. My daughter is getting married in 3 months. one of her best friends is going to be one of the bridesmaids. We will call her J for this story here. So J is a butch lesbian. Everyone knows and we have known all her life anyway. We all respect this about her.she will be wearing a suit like the groomsmen. This is what makes her feel comfortable and everyone understands. We all love her. The problem i'm having is the gifts. she will be receiving the groomsman gifts. I have made all of the bridesmaids robes with their names and titles. ie-bridesmaid, maid of honor. I made J's in black while the other bridesmaids will be wearing purple and lavender. My daughter told me not to put bridesmaid on J's robe, but to put bridesman instead, which i have done. I'm afraid of offending her with the wrong title. Is this right?
2/24/2019 11:46:24 pm
Oh my goodness, I have the SAME question and I've been brainstorming titles. Bridesperson? Just the name? Blank!?
6/29/2022 03:52:13 pm
HELP!?! I'm seeking tips on how to be an effective and fierce ally, in a rather delicate family wedding situation.
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