What's been the best part of your day so far today?
3/28/2012 06:43:36 am
Watching my Frilly Butch get up for work, knowing that we'll both be wearing secret smiles today. Grateful for love, laughter and great communication in the most functional relationship I've ever enjoyed ;)
3/28/2012 07:49:56 am
I'm pretty pumped that you also are enjoying the mass confusion being butch can cause those not paying attention, haha. Best part of my day was realizing that my math professor thinks I am male...through repeated pronoun errors! I'm small for a woman, nevermind a cisman!
3/28/2012 07:54:08 am
The camaraderie I feel with this blog...running 2 and a half miles of intervals and 61 push ups.
3/28/2012 11:10:39 am
Knowing my girlfriend and I will only be apart for 48 more days, then our 4 hour commute to be together will be over!!!! 7 months of being madly in love and three states apart is exhausting, so glad we get to be together soon....and today I found a few great apartments!
3/28/2012 11:53:54 am
The best part of my day was a rocking bad ass college softball game. I was hitting on all cylindars. My style was good, my voice was good, signals strong, and my partner was gay. We worked together yesterday, too, and it was all women on the field, umps, players, and coaches. It might have been an all lesbian adult crew, too. At least I know three of the coaches and the two umps were.
3/28/2012 01:17:08 pm
spending time with my wife, taking her shopping -she loves clothes, playing with a friend's baby and getting excited that this butch is gonna turn the world on it's head in a year by having our first kid. look out man, it's a preggo butch! screw your frou frou maternity wear.
3/28/2012 01:28:47 pm
I pet an octopus today. It was pretty awesome.
3/30/2012 04:42:10 am
Really?! Okay, I have NO idea what could possibly top that...
3/28/2012 06:07:20 pm
For the most part today sucked, horribly. I was so sick and dizzy that I couldn't even stand up without almost falling over. However I'm feeling much better got to catch up on some reading, I have a TON of new books that I haven't had the time to get to. So that's always a plus.
3/28/2012 11:51:16 pm
The best thing that happened today (so far) was that my real cut professor was pretty flirty with me... love her brown eyes
3/29/2012 08:12:01 am
Its not often a professor takes that liberty, but when they do...its pretty much the best thing that can happen in a class, haha. Props to you!
3/30/2012 04:43:09 am
Yeah, my project manager/big boss person is kind of a hardass, but that's really the only downside so far.
3/29/2012 02:33:58 pm
My wife and I are at a cottage this week. The other night we had a carbon monoxide scare*. Yesterday, while hiking, we were quite certain that our dearly beloved pup had become dearly departed by plunging off of the Niagra Escarpment (about 5 storeys) only to scare the sh!t out of teary us by popping out of the woods 15 min later, all happy and waggy while we collapsed in sloppy hugs over him. So, today was good because there wasn't any "what if one/all of us died" scenarios. More hikes, more great views, nothing exciting.
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